Monday, June 14, 2010

Summer Builds-On A Smaller Scale.

So LAST Monday I mentioned some of our big building goals for the Summer. I can't wait to update you on some of the progress. Good stuff!

Well, THIS Monday I wanted to list a few mini-building and doing goals that aren't big on the wow factor but will still create nice memories and lend themselves to all kinds of fun. Listed below in no particular order.

-Perfect a homemade lemonade and actually write down the ingredient ratios so we can make it again and again.
-Make a skirt. For myself and actually wear it. In public.
-Take meals outside as often as possible.
-Visit a lighthouse. (One in particular that's at the bottom of about a zillion stairs, oh yeah.)
-Go to our farmer's markets more often.
-Get our feet in the sand weekly.
-Create embroidery patterns inspired by the kid's art. Sell them at Threadlings with all proceeds going into the kids piggy banks.
-Make an origami patchwork wall hanging.

There are many I am forgetting that I dreamt up the other night I am sure, but you get the gist. Do you have a running list going through your head too? Write it down and see how many you and your family can check off this summer.

I will leave you with a shot from our lovely drive today. We got to spend the day with friends in their sweet town. Fun summer day out here!

Happy Monday!

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