Thursday, May 20, 2010

Happy One Year Out Here!

One year!

I don't really have any meaningful or poignant things to say today really. Yet it has been a full year and it has been very meaningful for me to be able to process and put it all together here for myself and for anyone remotely interested.

Here is a run down of the big stuff...

A new, intense, fulfilling job and along with it a new intense schedule for all of us. We are doing it though!

A sweet little baby became a sweet little girl.

A beginner crafter made lots of stuff, got brave and tried to sell some of that stuff. (Made a few sales too!)

And in between the bigger events, I have been so lucky to have another year of days discovering and learning and playing and growing with this amazing family of mine...

...out here, in this amazing place we get to call home.

That's a darn good year.


  1. Congrats!!! I sure do enjoy checking out your blog, it always adds a little happiness to my day. Thanks for that! Love you bunches.

  2. Thanks for reading dear friend and love you too!

  3. Whoo-hoo, thanks! Looking forward to what the next one holds. :)
