I certainly was not really ready for SCHOOL TO START TODAY! The boys were though. They happily strutted right into their new classrooms, casually waving and high fivin' their friends. Both were so excited to have cool top-open desks, nice!
I wish I was struttin' my way through all the details of our impending move. I thought that by this point things would be clear, settled and less complicated. I feel that things are getting more complicated. That's not fair, is it? I need something neat like a cool desk right now I think.
Well, these are certainly not "Life's Not Fair" Days, or the "I'm Grumpy!" Days, so I better get on with things right?
I will, don't worry.
Hope your Monday was great and that all your kiddos out there were high fivin' on their first day of school too. :)
Oh, these types of changes are always a mix of excitement and fear and all the rest. We moved to Florida (from Pennsylvania) for a year and I had a horrible roller coaster of a time emotionally. Hang in there!