Friday, February 26, 2010

For Friday Instead.

I had all these ideas bouncing around my head for a Friday post...

I thought of a new weekly thing I would call "The Friday Floss", which would be a weekly embroidery update. I have some good stuff started, I really do. One is big, using no less than 5 feet of linen! I want to have more done before I share though.

Then I was going to talk about our new workshop. Remember the man-cave? That trailer is long gone and in it's place is something even better. That needs to wait for another day because I don't have the pictures yet.

Then I was going to talk about my harebrained idea of trying to sell my silly stuff on Etsy. Talking about that would take a handful of Friday's or more. So that must wait too. (Not too long though, gulp. If I wait I may not go through with it, aaahh, so nervous.)

So, instead I will talk about frolicking with everybody in fast moving puddles after a very windy rainstorm. I am always amazed at what my boys can make using their imaginations and pretty rocks.

And how they notice and point out the smallest, most beautiful things and I get to be lucky enough to see them too sometimes.

Then I myself took notice of the first blossom outside my bedroom window that is sure to be surrounded by many more tomorrow.

And last but not least, I have to mention how happy we are to get our Dad for a whole week straight. A whole week! We are holding on tight and not letting go for anything.

Not even to get some shut-eye.

Have a great weekend!

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