So, today's post serves a dual purpose! It's providing new, useful vocabulary for some of us and it can be considered the start of our new house tour! It's not serious or creative and has nothing to do with Kodiak history, but it was new to me so I must share.
I don't have an official definition for ARCTIC ENTRY. Most know it more commonly as a MUDROOM. I think ARCTIC ENTRY sounds rugged and cool, so that is what we call it. An ARCTIC ENTRY is a small room designed to be a buffer between the outside and the living area and are most common in colder climates. Ours has a primary door, which is our front door, and a secondary door that leads to our actual entry way. It keeps the cold air out and the nice warm air (that J so diligently produces for us with our wood stove), in. More importantly, it is where all the mud, slush, dust, rocks, water, leaves, most bugs, the 3 legged neighborhood dog, birds, wind and anything yuck, must stop and go no further.
We all got used to taking shoes off at the door on the ranch which was a health issue in my mind as the boys were so good at stepping in just the right spots out in the cow fields. We continue that practice here. It just makes sense to leave the boots and coats in the entry and slip into warm slippers or cozy socks when passing through that second door. It works.
Of course it always looks just like this... nice and tidy, not a spec of dirt or snow to be seen or slipped on. Coats are hung gently and so nice and straight. Boots are all paired off correctly in a row where each kid can easily find what they need.
I don't mind it crazy in the ARCTIC ENTRY though. We got a house full of busy kids and boots kicked off and coats tossed are proof of that. They do need to be responsible for their own gear though. We have several kid-height hooks and lots of baskets in that closet to the left of Minna's lil' boots there, to make it easy for them to help keep things neat too. A sweep and a little organizing is needed each night, after the littles are asleep, to keep it all under control. The end of day tidying helps to keep the embarrassment levels low when nice neighbors come to introduce themselves too.
Someday I want to pretty this space up with some cheery color on the walls, new tile and some fun bins and baskets and shelves. For now though, our ARCTIC ENTRY is just right.
And when the three legged doggie comes to say hello, he says it through the entry window, from the front porch.
I Love your Arctic Entry! When I was four years old in Colorado, (many, many years ago) we had a Mudroom- That is where my Mom kept a bucket full of fresh wet mud to spread on any new bee sting to suck out the venom! This is a vivid memory of mine...
hehe EVERY bee sting I've ever had is a vivid memory! I dig the groovy tiles Natalie!
Thanks. Those tiles will prob be replaced someday. There are lots of good quality but old and not our taste kinds of details around the house that will need updating at some point. You should see the pink and blue tiles around the wood stove...