Thursday, July 12, 2012

Secret Project-Inspiration and Phase 1.

Our latest big project was inspired by this-

A small, simple, one room guest house. 

With pretty sliding glass doors that open the room up to the outside, 
making the deck and the sleeping area one space.

I love it.
(Thank you Sunset Magazine.)

We have a building here that is parts storage-workshop-garage. In one of it's past lives, it was called the "Cat House". We think it's because of a large number of cats that may have been housed in it. We still call it the "cat house" but it hasn't really stuck for me. I way prefer... guest house.

In order to make it a guest house like the one in that picture, we needed to take out a wall. No problem because for months the tongue of the teardrop stuck out the bottom of the front wall. Jeff was tired of working on the the trailer in the rain, so he busted a wall down, rolled it inside, and built the wall back up around it. 

My favorite part is the black garbage bag wrapped in duct tape to protect the tongue from the elements. 

Anyway, perfect spot for a pretty set of glass doors. They don't slide and they open in, and not out as I had hoped. But! With a bed on the opposite wall and the doors flung open... gonna be totally Sunset Magazine worthy.

It's well on its way to a complete cat/guest house transition. Jeff is spraying texture on the walls right now. Ready for paint soon!

And, it really isn't a secret. 

Well, it kind of was for my folks. 
The rest of the world knows.

I thought it would be a fun surprise for them 
to have their own room when they come visit.
(Next month!) 

It will be so much better than using the boys room 
with their twin beds pushed together. 


I can't keep secrets.

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