Wednesday, November 24, 2010

So Thankful.

This will be our first holiday away from loved ones in a very long time. Away from traditions we know so well and the tables we are so used to gathering around on Thanksgiving Day.

We will be having our first firehouse Thanksgiving celebration this year too which seems to be the coolest thing the kids have ever heard of. It will be nice to share a meal with new families, new co-workers and neighbors. We are "this close" to moving into our new home and I am looking forward to next year when we will be able to carry on our special traditions and create new ones around our own table-maybe, possibly, hopefully, with visitors from back home.

Until then, thank goodness for the little tradition of a chocolate turkey for each of us. (Thanks Grandma.) Five little turkeys wrapped in foil that have traveled from California to Alaska just to let us know that those traditions are still in place and that our loved ones are still there, thinking of us on Thanksgiving.

And we are thinking of them. Everyday.

Wishing everyone a happy, Happy Thanksgiving!

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