I have been surprised and blushing at all the sweet wonderings about me and my lil' blog. Thank you! And yes, yes YES! I am keeping up the blog thing! I have dearly missed compiling my daily ramblings and photos and relishing in the good that can come from each and everyday. I have to be honest and say that there have been moments, days even, over the past few months when finding a snapshot or squeezing out some positive words that were worth you time would have been difficult for me. I still believe that there is always something lovely and important to share from each and every one of these days that fly by us. Even from the hard ones.
We certainly are, in this new year with new ground under our feet.
Now we are... "Out Here In The Flats".
And it's darn good to be back.
Now we are... "Out Here In The Flats".
And it's darn good to be back.